Important information for young people moving to Vienna or thinking about spending some time in our beautiful city.
General information - Information and services of the City of Vienna
- Education & Research
- Business & Media
- Culture & History
- Environment & Leisure
- Health & Social Services
- Transportation & Urban Planning
- Living & Working
- Politics & Administration - Service for Foreign Citizens
- Working
- Building and Housing
- Government Authorities
- Education
- Documents and Identification
- Family and Partnership
- Freetime and Mobility
- Living in Austria
- Social Affairs and Emergencies
- Tax and Finance
migration.gv - Living and Working in Austria
- Austria at a glance
- Integration and Citizenship
- Working
- Children and Education
- Housing
- Health
- Language
- Visas & Permits
- Jobs
- Housing & Rentals
- Property
- Health
- Money
- Language
- Telephone & Internet
- Education
- Business
- Travel & Leisure
- Culture
- Moving
- Online information portal on mobility issues
- Orientation
- Citylife
- Up2date
- Study
- Culture
- Shopping
- Wine'n'dine
- Nightlife
- Leisure
Children and Youth protection in Austria
- Rules for the protection of minors (e.g. curfew times, smoking, alcohol, sexual relations)
Expat guides for living in Vienna
Experience reports, tips and information from/for expats living in Vienna:
Information about:
- Housing
- Finding accommodation
- Acquisition of property - Tips for Home Seekers
Information about:
- Costs and financing
- Who is entitled to sell or rent out
- Legal status of an apartment
- Non-recurring costs and compensations to outgoing tenants
Confirmation of registration for nationals of EU/EEA countries and Switzerland
Information for EU/EEA and Swiss nationals planning to stay in Austria for more than three months:
Registration - Registration and notice of change
- Information about compulsory residence registration
Learning German
German für International Students
- Language schools offering German lessons in Vienna
- Language vouchers for EU/EEA and third-country nationals after receiving the confirmation of registration or the residence card
Information about:
- Kinds of employment
- Employment contracts
- Renumeration
- Working time
- Leave
- Ending employment
Eures - Living & Working: Austria
- Labour market information
- Living and working conditions
- Free movement
AMS - Public Employment Service Austria
Information about:
- Working, recruiting and studying in Austria
- Unemployment insurance
- European Employment Services (EURES)
- Migration affairs
- Information about recognition of professional qualifications
Transferring unemployment benefits for EU-Nationals
- Information for EU-Nationals moving to another country to seek employment
If you want to volunteer in the framework of a programme (e.g. Volunteering activities in Erasmus+: Youth in Action, ICYE, SCI Camps) you have to contact a sending organisation in your country.
If you are planning to look for a volunteer position on your own, you can look for a project on the following websites:
- Ehrenamtsbörse (German)
- Freiwillig für Wien (German)
- Freiwilligenweb (German)
Please keep in mind that usually
- a good knowledge of German is required.
- accomodation and food is not provided.
- you have to fulfill all visa requirements.
Health - Health & Social Service
- Doctors and pharmacies
- Health insurance
- Hospitals
Online guide - Who is insured by whom?
- Online guide for visitors to Austria
- Self-insurance for students
- Self-insurance in the event of minimal occupation
The European Health Insurance Card
- Health care for EU/EEA nationals travelling or temporarily living in another EU/EEA country
Last updated: September 2024